Dear Baltimore, Upholstery Supplies Are In Stock!

Dear Baltimore, Upholstery Supplies can be found locally, and here’s a list of what they are and where to find them. As humans evolved, so did the fact that tools are a necessity to being able to create a civilized life. In fact, the trade of upholstery cannot be done successfully unless you have the proper tools. So Baltimore, lets take a tour and explore the many places you can find Upholstery supplies in local stores.


Scissors - Picture Created by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

Scissors are needed to cut fabric, cording, strings, and anything else that needs to be further shaped or cut away to achieve a professional look. This product can be found at any Joann Fabric and Craft Store located in Baltimore.

Yard Stick - Picture Created by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

Yard Stick is needed to line and measure your fabric, foam, Dacron, and cording. It will always be 36 inches long. This product can be found at any Home Depot or Joann Fabric and Craft Store located in Baltimore.

Chalk - Picture Created by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

Chalk is used to mark measurements, and directions (front, back, top, bottom). This product can be found at any Home Depot or Joann Fabric and Craft Store located in Baltimore.

Razor Blade - Picture Created by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

Razor Blade is used when removing old fabric from furniture. It can also be used as a seam ripper. In fact, this is the best tool you can use for ripping seams, and opening seams in upholstery. Razor blades can be found at any Home Depot, Joann Fabric and Craft Store or General store.


Staples - Picture Created by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

Upholstery Staples are used to attach the fabric to the furniture base. These can be found at Tedco.

Cutting Table is a long and wide table used to cut fabric and anything else you may need. Many times you will be working with a lot of fabric in excess of 5+ yards, therefore you will need a long and preferable wide table to cut on. Try to find a table at least 6 feet in length; but if all else fails you can use a card table, the floor, or your dining room table. You can buy a cutting table at Home Depot, Walmart, Target, and Sam’s Club.

Work Horses or Work Benches - Picture Taken by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

Work Horses or Work Benches are used to hoist furniture off the ground, so that you can begin the upholstery process. This product can be found at any Home Depot located in Baltimore.

36 X 36 Board - Picture Taken by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

36 X 36-Inch Board is placed on top of the workhorses to create a platform and workspace.  Mainly used when upholstering smaller pieces of furniture such as armchairs and kitchen seats. It can be dually used as a cutting board.  This product can be bought and custom cut at any Home Depot located in Baltimore.


Red Air Compressor - Picture Created by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

Air Compressor is a machine that compresses air, and powers the staple air gun for heavy-duty upholstery. This product can be found at any Home Depot located in Baltimore.

Industrial Sewing Machine - Picture created by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

Industrial Sewing Machine is a heavy-duty sewing machine, used, mainly in factories to sew industrial grade fabrics, such as upholstery fabrics, leather, vinyl, animal skins, etc. This product is found at Tedco, a store previously located in Baltimore. It is currently located in Halethorpe. Supplies can be bought in store and online.

Long Nose Staple Air Gun is used for getting in tight areas and corners. Used on very detailed, intricate pieces of furniture. This product can be found at Tedco.

Short Nose Staple Air Gun - Picture Created by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

Short Nose Staple Air Gun is an all-purpose air gun. Most projects can be completed successfully with a short nose staple air gun. This product can be found at Tedco.

Staple Puller - Picture Created by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

Staple Puller is used to pull staples from the furniture base and fabric. This product can be found at any Joann Fabric and Craft Store or Tedco.

Pliers - Picture Taken by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

Pliers are used to pull broken staples from the furniture base. You can buy these at your local Home Depot.

Rubber Mallet is used to smooth tacking strip on the outside back of different types of furniture. This product can be found at Home Depot or Tedco.

Upholstery Hammer - Picture Taken by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

Upholstery Hammer is a slender hammer with a magnetized head. It’s traditionally used to hammer hard nails into furniture. It’s mostly used today to flatten staples that can’t be pulled from the wood; which if left could create an injury or a snag in the new fabric. This product can be found at Tedco.


Foam Rubber - Picture Created by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

Foam Rubber is padding. It comes in different sizes, and used mostly in seat cushions. This product can be bought and custom cut at House of Foam, as well as, Joann Fabric and Craft Store.

Dacron - Picture Created by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

Dacron is used to wrap foam rubber, and also helps to in fill in corners for a smooth, professional look. It can be found at House of Foam, as well as, Joann Fabric and Craft Store.

Upholstery Welt Trim - Picture Created by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

Upholstery Welt Trim is fabric covered cording used as trim for furniture, seat cushions, and pillows. This product can be found at Tedco.


Silicone Spray is used on foam and Dacron so they can easily fit into its seat cover or pillow cover. This product can be found at Tedco.

Spray can of Foam and Fabric Adhesive - Picture Created by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

Fabric Spray Adhesive is used to bind two pieces of foam rubber together, or Dacron and Foam rubber together. This product can be found at Tedco.

Spray Can of Scotchgard- Picture Created by The Baltimore Upholstery Company

Scotch Guard is a finishing product that protects the upholstery fabric from stains. This product can be found at your local Joann Fabric and Craft Store or Walmart in Baltimore.

As you can see Baltimore, upholstery supplies can be quite easy to find. If you buy all of these items, you will be well on your way to becoming a professional upholsterer. The best place to find these items locally are Home Depot, Joann Fabric and Craft Store, Tedco, House of Foam, and last but not least, Amazon. You can also visit our Amazon Store (Coming Soon!), where you can have these items shipped right to your home. And, if all else fails give us a call, we’re ready to work, we’re in Baltimore, and our upholstery supplies are in stock!